“Going green” doesn’t have to be a daunting task that means sweeping life changes. Simple things can make a difference.

The contents of this list might not be new, but they bear repeating. Sometimes it takes a few reminders for things take root.


If every household in the United State replaced one regular lightbulb with one of those new compact fluorescent bulbs, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road.

Don’t like the color of light? Use these bulbs for closets, laundry rooms and other places where it won’t irk you as much.

By turning off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 watt-hours per day. That adds up to 4 cents a day, or $14 per year. If you don’t want to wait for your computer to start up, set it to turn on automatically a few minutes before you get to work, or boot up while you’re pouring your morning cup ‘o joe.



Skip rinsing dishes before using your dishwasher and save up to 20 gallons of water each load. Plus, you’re saving time and the energy used to heat the additional water.

Unless you are making bread or pastries of some sort, don’t pre-heat the oven. Just turn it on when you put the dish in. Also, when checking on your food, look through the oven window instead of opening the door.

Recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20 percent and related water pollution by 50 percent. If it isn’t recycled it can take a million years to decompose.

By the time a child is toilet trained, a parent will change between 5,000 and 8,000 diapers, adding up to approximately 3.5 million tons of waste in U.S. landfills each year. Whether you choose cloth or a more environmentally-friendly disposable, you’re making a choice that has a much gentler impact on our planet.

clothespin7. HANG DRY
Get a clothesline or rack to dry your clothes by the air. Your wardrobe will maintain color and fit, and you’ll save money.

Your favorite t-shirt will last longer too.

One less meat-based meal a week helps the planet and your diet. For example: It requires 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. You will also also save some trees. For each hamburger that originated from animals raised on rainforest land, approximately 55 square feet of forest have been destroyed.

Fork and knife9. WASH IN COLD OR WARM
If all the households in the U.S. switched from hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the energy comparable to 100,000 barrels of oil a day.

Only launder when you have a full load.

During an average year, an American uses approximately 2,200 napkins—around six each day. If everyone in the U.S. used one less napkin a day, more than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year.

American businesses throw away 21 million tons of paper every year, equal to 175 pounds per office worker. For a quick and easy way to halve this, set your printer’s default option to print double-sided (duplex printing). And when you’re finished with your documents, don’t forget to take them to the recycling bin.

There are 63 million newspapers printed each day in the U.S. Of these, 44 million, or about 69%, of them will be thrown away. Recycling just the Sunday papers would save more than half a million trees every week.

You can reuse gift bags, bows and event paper, but you can also make something unique by using old maps, cloth or even newspaper. Flip a paper grocery bag inside out and give your child stamps or markers to create their own wrapping paper that’s environmentally friendly and extra special for the recipient.

More ideasHGTVMarthaDIY Network

Nearly 90% of plastic water bottles are not recycled, instead taking thousands of years to decompose. Buy a reusable container and fill it with tap water, a great choice for the environment, your wallet, and possibly your health. The EPA’s standards for tap water are more stringent than the FDA’s standards for bottled water.

Shower!15. BAN BATHTIME!
Have a no-bath week, and take showers instead. Baths require almost twice as much water. Not only will you reduce water consumption, but the energy costs associated with heating the water.

You’ve heard this one before, but maybe you still do it. You’ll conserve up to five gallons per day if you stop. Daily savings in the U.S. alone could add up to 1.5 billion gallons–more water than folks use in the Big Apple.

Sneak in a shower with your loved one to start the day with some zest that doesn’t come in a bar. Not only have you made a wise choice for the environment, but you may notice some other added…um…benefits.

Every two minutes you save on your shower can conserve more than ten gallons of water. If everyone in the country saved just one gallon from their daily shower, over the course of the year it would equal twice the amount of freshwater withdrawn from the Great Lakes every day.

It’s good for the air, the land, can shade your house and save on cooling (plant on the west side of your home), and they can also improve the value of your property.

Make it meaningful for the whole family and plant a tree every year for each member.

You paid for those extra buttons in your car, so put them to work! When using cruise control your vehicle could get up to 15% better mileage. Considering today’s gasoline prices, this is a boon not only for the environment but your budget as well.

Consider buying items from a second-hand store. Toys, bicycles, roller blades, and other age and size-specific items are quickly outgrown. Second hand stores often sell these items in excellent condition since they are used for such a short period of time, and will generally buy them back when you no longer need them.

Globey22. BUY LOCAL
Consider the amount of pollution created to get your food from the farm to your table. Whenever possible, buy from local farmers or farmers’ markets, supporting your local economy and reducing the amount of greenhouse gas created when products are flown or trucked in.

This is a thermometer23. ADJUST YOUR THERMOSTAT
Adjust your thermostat one degree higher in the summer and one degree cooler in the winter. Each degree celsius less will save about 10% on your energy use! In addition, invest in a programmable thermostat which allows you to regulate temperature based on the times you are at home or away.

If you start every morning with a steamy cup, a quick tabulation can show you that the waste is piling up. Invest in a reusable cup, which not only cuts down on waste, but keeps your beverage hot for a much longer time. Most coffee shops will happily fill your own cup, and many even offer you a discount in exchange!

Thre and back25. BATCH ERRANDS
Feel like you spend your whole week trying to catch up with the errands? Take a few moments once a week to make a list of all the errands that need to get done, and see if you can batch them into one trip. Not only will you be saving gasoline, but you might find yourself with much better time-management skills.

Always turn off incandescent bulbs when you leave a room. Fluorescent bulbs are more affected by the number of times it is switched on and off, so turn them off when you leave a room for 15 minutes or more. You’ll save energy on the bulb itself, but also on cooling costs, as lights contribute heat to a room.

If you must water your lawn, do it early in the morning before any moisture is lost to evaporation. Have a few weeds? Spot treat them with vinegar. Not sure if you should rake? Normal clippings act as a natural fertilizer, let them be. If you’ve waited too long, rake by hand — it’s excellent exercise.

Some time in between the artichoke dip and the coleslaw, you lost track of your cup, and now there are a sea of matching cups on the table, one of which might be yours. The next time you picnic, set out permanent marker next to disposable dinnerware so guests can mark their cup and everyone will only use one.

The average cell phone lasts around 18 months, which means 130 million phones will be retired each year. If they go into landfills, the phones and their batteries introduce toxic substances into our environment. There are plenty of reputable programs where you can recycle your phone, many which benefit noble causes.

Not only are you extending the life of your vehicle, but you are creating less pollution and saving gas. A properly maintained vehicle, clean air filters, and inflated tires can greatly improve your vehicle’s performance. And it might not hurt to clean out the trunk—all that extra weight could be costing you at the pump.

Wire hangers are generally made of steel, which is often not accepted by some recycling programs. So what do you do with them? Most dry cleaners will accept them back to reuse or recycle. (Cue Joan Crawford.)

Twenty recycled aluminium cans can be made with the energy it takes to manufacture one brand new one.

Every ton of glass recycled saves the equivalent of nine gallons of fuel oil needed to make glass from virgin materials.

Homeward bound33. TELECOMMUTE
See if you can work out an arrangement with your employer that you work from home for some portion of the week. Not only will you save money and gasoline, and you get to work in your pajamas!

Keeping the damper open (when you’re not using your fireplace) is like keeping a 48-inch window wide open during the winter; it allows warm air to go right up the chimney. This can add up to hundreds of dollars each winter in energy loss.

Feel like you need to lose a few pounds? It might be your junk mail that’s weighing you down. The average American receives 40 pounds of junk mail each year, destroying 100 millions trees. There are many services that can help reduce the clutter in your mailbox, saving trees and the precious space on your countertops.

Light a candle light a match step down step down watch your heel crush crush36. CHOOSE MATCHES OVER LIGHTERS 
Most lighters are made out of plastic and filled with butane fuel, both petroleum products. Since most lighters are considered “disposable,” over 1.5 billion end up in landfills each year. When choosing matches, pick cardboard over wood. Wood matches come from trees, whereas most cardboard matches are made from recycled paper.

Consider if you really need a paper phone book. If not, call to stop phone book delivery and use an online directory instead. Some estimate that telephone books make up almost ten percent of waste at dump sites. And if you still receive the book, don’t forget to recycle your old volumes.

give38. GIVE IT AWAY
Before you throw something away, think about if someone else might need it. Either donate to a charitable organization or post it on a web site designed to connect people and things, such as Freecycle.org.

Professional car washes are often more efficient with water consumption. If everyone in the U.S. who washes their car themselves took just one visit to the car wash we could save nearly 8.7 billion gallons of water.

Each year the U.S. uses 84 billion plastic bags, a significant portion of the 500 billion used worldwide. They are not biodegradable, and are making their way into our oceans, and subsequently, the food chain. Stronger, reusable bags are an inexpensive and readily available option.

The cost of processing a paper ticket is approximately $10, while processing an e-ticket costs only $1. In the near future, e-tickets will be the only option, saving the airline industry $3 billion a year. In addition to financial savings, the sheer amount of paper eliminated by this process is commendable.

Most software comes on a compact disc, and more than thirty billion compact discs of all types are sold annually. That’s a huge amount of waste, not to mention the associated packaging. Another bonus to downloading your software is that it’s often available for download at a later date when you upgrade to a new computer or are attempting to recover from a crash.

Who uses answering machines?43. STOP YOUR ANSWERING MACHINE
Answering machines use energy 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And when they break, they’re just one more thing that goes into the landfill. If all answering machines in U.S. homes were eventually replaced by voice mail services, the annual energy savings would total nearly two billion kilowatt-hours.

I like my sugar with coffee and cream44. SKIP THE COFFEE STIRRER
Each year, Americans throw away 138 billion straws and stirrers. But skipping the stirrer doesn’t mean drinking your coffee black. Simply put your sugar and cream in first, and then pour in the coffee, and it should be well mixed.

Determined to stir? Break off a piece of pasta from the cupboard. You can nibble after using it, compost, or throw away with less guilt.

When a big winter storm heads our way, most of us use some sort of ice melter to treat steps and sidewalks. While this makes the sidewalks safer for people, it may pose a hazard for pets who might ingest these products. Rock salt and salt-based ice-melting products can cause health problems as well as contaminate wells and drinking water. Look for a pet-safe deicer, readily available in many stores.

Some brands of cotton swabs have a paperboard spindle while others are made of plastic. If 10% of U.S. households switched to a paperboard spindle, the petroleum energy saved per year would be equivalent to over 150,000 gallons of gasoline.

By some estimates, if all households in the U.S. paid their bills online and received electronic statements instead of paper, we’d save 18.5 million trees every year, 2.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and 1.7 billion pounds of solid waste.

Stop me oh oh oh stop me48. STOP PAPER BANK STATEMENTS
Some banks will pay you a dollar or donate money on your behalf when you cancel the monthly paper statements you get in the mail. If every household took advantage of online bank statements, the money saved could send more than seventeen thousand recent high school graduates to a public university for a year.

Each year 15 billion batteries produced and sold and most of them are disposable alkaline batteries. Only a fraction of those are recycled. Buy a charger and a few sets of rechargeable batteries. Although it requires an upfront investment, it is one that should pay off in no time. And on Christmas morning when all the stores are closed? You’ll be fully stocked.

Shout it out50. SHARE!
Take what you’ve learned, and pass the knowledge on to others. If every person you know could take one small step toward being greener, the collective effort could be phenomenal.


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Get the shirtTAKE IT WITH YOU
Get the shirt! We’ve got designs for every member of the family.
Wire & Twine

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Clean Planet – how shall we get there?

Each cleanup action is one huge step towards clean planet. World Cleanup 2012 brings those efforts together. But we are not fooling ourselves – some more big steps need to be made to get us there. And there is no group, organization or country who is able to complete these alone.

We have arrived to a doorstep where we need to come together to pass through. So here is our vision, how we can come together and turn things around on this planet. These steps we need to make:

Education and awareness

Everythings begins with thought and with personal choice – we need to become more aware about the effects of our everyday lifestyles, of our everyday decisions. This begins with education in schools, but most importantly – with talking to our family members, friends, colleagues. If you know it, share it.

Ecologically intelligent consumption

Each one of us can make a big difference just by becoming more aware about our choices as a consumer – to buy less, to favor products that have been produced without harming the environment and always using any chance to give new life to already used products. If more and more of us start to make those choices, the whole production chain will transform. Be smart, make a difference.

Sustainable design and production

The choices that we have are born not in the store, but in the heads of the designers and producers. The whole production process must be reformed to follow the nature’s spirit – using environmentally safe materials and production processes, designing products to be used longer and to be recycled. Cradle to cradle is taking the lead now, it’s time to follow. Nature is our best teacher.

Tax reform favoring sustainable products and services

We need to design some very specific ways to support conscious choises on every level, choises that benefit us all in the long run. Talk is not enough. We need to put our money where our mouth is.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Respect yourself, enjoy and appreciate what you already have and you will discover that you don’t need that much stuff to begin with. Sometimes your old is someone else’s new and vice versa. Look for creative and innovative ways to give new life to old and used things. Buy less, use longer and use again.

Cooperation between people

Sharing ideas and best practises makes us wiser. One can change the world if he or she is able to share the dream and invites others along. Thus we believe that cooperation is the only way forward. It begins with friends and families and follows with communities, countries, groups and organisations. Each one of us is needed to make this happen.



Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

Let’s honor the memory of Gandhi by using his wisdom to create a better country and a better world .

Mumbai Kuch Kar

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

‘Mumbai kuch kar’ posters @ Ganpati Mandal – Borivali , Mumbai.

‘Mumbai kuch kar’ posters @ Ganpati Mandal – Goregoan , Mumbai.


The ‘India Kuch Kar’ campaign in Mumbai is being done in English and Marathi . Progressively we plan to include other languages. The response from individuals across India has been very encouraging. People have been sharing the campaign on their facebook walls , emailing , sharing the posters on their office / residential building notice boards . Several Ganesh Mandals in Mumbai co-operated to share the posters at their venues .

This is a collaborative campaign with the vision of a ‘Clean India’ . We’re building tools you can use to spread the message and create a Clean India .Feel free to download the ‘India Kuch Kar’ campaign posters for use in your part of India .

Write in to us : [email protected]

Eco Ganesh Chaturthi

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Wishing you an eco-joyous Ganesh Chaturthi with an abundance of love , joy and blessings .


India Kuch Kar

Saturday, September 8th, 2012

Littering is probably thought of as the unwritten Constitutional right in India. People from all strata of society – educated / uneducated – litter public spaces. The ridiculous expectation being that the civic authorities are to clean up the litter 24/7. No country can be clean if it’s citizens litter public spaces the way Indians do.

It’s a peculiar mind set where only one’s home is considered important . Residential building compounds also have litter thrown by residents from their kitchens , balconies. Public spaces beyond the building are fair game for disposing any kind of garbage . As a result – roads , footpaths , train tracks , stations , bus stands all are teeming with garbage. Even the countryside is not spared. Take a road trip through most parts of India – you’ll see the familiar sight of plastic bags , bottles , wrappers thoughtlessly tossed everywhere.

A Clean India is possible if WE – THE CITIZENS OF INDIA – choose to make it happen . Free of litter – India can be one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

As responsible citizens lets create a country we can be proud of . Stop littering , stop others from littering .

India kuch kar !




Clean India

Sunday, August 19th, 2012


‘It looks so fake ! ‘ was the response of a team member who saw this pic taken from the hotel room on a recent visit to Japan. What she meant was that in comparison to India this looks too clean to be real . To get this neat a picture of a public space in India would require formidable Photoshop skills.

Can individuals get away with littering their homes ? Family / flat mates would simply not tolerate it . Even household help these days will decline to clean a home that’s badly maintained . Yet , when we as Indians venture into public spaces in India we behave as though it’s our Constitutional Right to litter. Children / uneducated people may require guidance on what do to. It’s simply unforgivable when educated people thoughtlessly litter public spaces with cigarette stubs , candy wrappers , pan masala wrappers , chips / biscuit wrappers , plastic bottles..and pretty much anything that one feels like discarding instantly. Each person adds to the mess. Eventually , no one cares. And the mess becomes an accepted part of the landscape.

‘What can I do ?’ , ‘How does my action matter when so many others are littering ?’ creep in as (lame) justifications to continue the dirty crime.

In you are an Indian living in India – please do your bit to help create a Clean India . We cannot depend on the local Municipal Corporations alone to do so . And frankly , it’s impossible for any agency to clean India if citizens recklessly throw litter everywhere.

Our public spaces are a reflection of individual citizens and society as a whole. Before throwing away anything in a public space – pl stop and think . Discard the litter in a bin .

Let patriotism not be limited to flag hoisting twice a year . Daily life offers immense opportunities to create a better India.

Jai Hind !




Happy Independence Day…

Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

We’d like to reiterate our thoughts on the significance of Independence Day…

A salute to all those who participated in the movement to make India Independent. And to all those unsung heroes across the country who have since then contributed in myriad forms to making this a more equitable , fair , liveable , joyous , progressive nation than it would have otherwise been.

What is the significance of Independence Day in present day urban India ? For the generations that have been born and raised in an independent India ? Newspapers filled with pictures of celebrities wearing clothes that have shades of the tri-color , saying what it means to be Indian . Buying little flags at the traffic signals and putting them in one’s car or desk for a few days. Participating in flag hoisting ceremony in one’s residential building or company. A few moments of solemn silence as the anthem is played. What is the connection that the rituals build with the idea of a nation ? of the idea of being Indian ? The risk is when the sentiment is limited to a few external gestures.

We can create new , meaningful rituals for Independence Day – as individuals and as groups :
– Recognize that our actions – personal and professional – shape India . If there is allegiance to the idea of a nation to which we pledge our devotion – let it reflect in consistent action.
– Make life choices – small and big – that are authentic and deeply meaningful rather than driven by external appearances / compulsions aka Inner Independence
– Give time , attention , money to those less fortunate
– Help educate a child
– Consciously choose not to litter any public space – e v e r.
– Plant trees
– Become an a c t i v e citizen
– the list can be meaningfully expanded
Eventually we need to rise above the idea of nations and see the human species as one . Until that can happen we can attempt an expansive and inclusive definition of what it means to be Indian . And be cognizant of ourresponsibilities and rights the other 364 days of the year.

Pl choose to create a glorious India where Independence is a reality for all it’s citizens .

Happy Independence Day.



The Green Job

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012



We don’t get out of shape with 1 heavy meal . Nor did the environment become a crisis with a single action or even the actions of 1 nation alone. We can’t build muscle with 1 intensive workout at a gym . Neither can the environment be healed in a day .

Routine , everyday choices and actions by individuals , communities , governments , businesses have cumulatively created the challenges we face on the environment front.

We need to drop the ‘what can I do’ line of thought and the consequent inaction / status quo . Each one of us can make a difference. Together , we make change.



Clean Planet Celebrates Mother’s Day

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

This Mother’s Day, we’d like to say thank you to one of the strongest figures in our lives. Popularly known by the term ‘Mother’, she is the one person who will always be there for you. She is an embodiment of strength, ever lasting energy, patience and makes a world of difference.

Praise her, celebrate her and show her how much you care. She’s been a continuous support and you’ve gone places because of her. She is that one person who will move mountains if need be.

At Clean Planet, we have very high regard to individuals who make a difference. Make your mum’s day and gift her some of our eco stylish totes. We’re offering 20% off on all our products till May 13, 2012. Do go through our range at – www.cleanplanet.in/shop and use the code LOUVEUMOM while checking out.

Cheers and a very Happy Mother’s Day :)




Satyamev Jayate

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

The first episode of the much awaited Satyamev Jayate aired today . The focus was female foeticide.

It’s one thing to read about female foeticide in newspapers and an entirely different experience to see women who have lived through the horrific experience of being forced to abort their unborn child narrate their experiences .It was inspiring to see each of the women fight the odds and bring up their daughters .

The program did a diligent job of exploring the issue from various perspectives , showing the consequences of female foeticide on the communities that practice it and the impact on the wider society by way of an unsafe environment for women. They made a valid point that for India to change – WE – the people of India – need to change. Legislation can only do so much. This atrocity exists in the substrate of a society that actively or passively allows families to get away with murder in the garb of tradition.

Let’s do what we can – at whatever scale we can . Each one of us can make a difference . Together we can make change .




Going Eco the Genius Way

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

At Clean Planet, we’re a little crazy and believe we can change the world. We set off on the road less taken, making reusable and eco stylish totes with innovation all over our mind. We wanted to make a tote that would be path breaking and creatively stimulating.

An ode to Mr. Jobs, Tote Imagine is a call to recognise the genius in you. It is crafted out of 100% eco friendliness and spirit to explore endless possibilities. Steve Jobs has been a continuing source of inspiration to us with his pioneering spirit of imagination. It’s created a new world order!

Imagine saving the world from 300 plastic bags per person per year. Daily use of this eco tote up scales the awesomeness & cleanliness quotient of our planet whilst letting one be who they really are. Tote Imagine is a call to action to enliven the crazy one and genius within all of us.

At Clean Planet, we often emphasise on the importance of a sustainable lifestyle. Add to this dashing eco style and you get the best products.

Collaborate with us in making this one heck of planet! We’d like for folks to get it on with their gray cells and make this world a work of art.




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